Philippe-Alain Michaud, le réel traversé par la fiction
Philippe-Alain Michaud, le réel traversé par la fiction
To be in Venice and see the architecture of New York, to perceive in a painting by Tintoretto the birth of animated images, to look at the burlesque Cretinetti as the ancestor of montage - so many shifts, displacements, and striking telescopings that Philippe-Alain Michaud proposes in this film dedicated to him. To follow this art historian, curator of the cinema collections at the Centre Pompidou, is to go from the oriental carpet to the film, or from the first fireworks to the cinema. And everywhere the animation of the images - projections of Antony McCall, or of Paul Sharits, Column without end of Brancusi, Pasolini's Accatone - everything moves! Under the tutelage of Aby Warburg, the great art historian of the early twentieth century, precursor of iconology and image comparison, to whom Philippe-Alain Michaud was the first in France to devote an important essay, eleven images are placed on the table to describe the singular journey of this art historian.
Casts & Credits
Jamie Lee Curtis: Hollywood Call of Freedom (2022)
Tak trochu poučnej barák (2022)
Eskimo Artist: Kenojuak (1964)
Conquest of Light (1975)
What Price Art? By Tracey Emin (2006)
The Billion Dollar Art Hunt (2020)
Derren Brown: The Great Art Robbery (2013)
The Master Game (1998)
The Rembrandt Century: How Art Became Big Business (2022)
Tracing Battleship Potemkin (2007)
David Lynch: The Art Life (2017)
Mifune: The Last Samurai (2016)
The Business of Creativity (2020)
Podkarpatská rusínska maliarska škola (2019)
Kunst aus dem Todeslager (2021)
Sweet Black Film: The Birth of the Black Hero in Hollywood (2022)
Claude Chabrol, the Maverick (2019)
The Art of Protest (2020)
Nosferatu: A Film Like a Vampire (2022)
Boulevard! A Hollywood Story (2021)