The Lady in the Book - Sylvia Plath, portraits
The Lady in the Book - Sylvia Plath, portraits
"The Lady in the Book" is Sylvia Plath, a major author of 20th-century American poetry and a feminist icon following her sudden death at the age of thirty. This film offers a glimpse into her world and work, through encounters with women who live today in the places where she grew up.
Casts & Credits
How the Moon Conquered Pop (2019)
Assaltaram a Gramática (1984)
My Love Awaits Me By the Sea (2013)
...a slovo Básňou sa stalo (1997)
sucking on words (2007)
Denim (2017)
Hart Crane: An Exegesis (2012)
Great Poets: In Their Own Words (2014)
The Return of the Green Man (1990)
These Heathen Dreams (2014)
Fried Shoes Cooked Diamonds (1979)
Películas (2020)
Poets Against the Bomb (1981)
Le verbe incendié (1998)
A Farra do Circo (2013)
Se dice poeta (2014)
Borges: A Life in Poetry (1998)
War of Words: Battle Rap in the UK (2017)
The Waters of the Bug River (2020)
Incitatus (1996)