The Secret Spitfires
Spitfires were the nemesis of the Luftwaffe and the instrument which halted Hitler’s plans for invasion. After relentless bombing of the Spitfire factories in Southampton, the Germans were convinced they had halted the production of the Spitfires for good. But across the South of England, hidden in sheds, garages, back gardens, bedrooms, a bus depot, and even a hotel, a workforce of unskilled young girls, boys, women, elderly men, and a handful of engineers secretly built thousands of Spitfires to help win the war. Witnesses recount this never-before-told story of amazing achievement.
Casts & Credits
747: The Jumbo Revolution (2014)
The Girl with the Rivet Gun (2020)
Le Petit Vingtième : le siècle de Tintin (1995)
Night and Fog (1959)
A Failed Peace, The Mistakes of The Treaty of Versailles (2019)
The Silent Village (1943)
Wars Don't End (2018)
Days of Waiting: The Life & Art of Estelle Ishigo (1991)
Gestalt (2024)
The Fleet That Came to Stay (1945)
Spell Your Name (2006)
Ordinary Men: The "Forgotten Holocaust" (2022)
Blake (1969)
Nazi Death Marches (2022)
Attack and Capture: The Story of U-Boat 505 (2002)
Memories of a World War II Hero: Captain Brown's Story (2014)
Panair of Brazil (2007)
In Love with Adolf Hitler (2007)
The True Story of the Bridge on the River Kwai (2000)
Shooting War (2000)