Village without school
Village without school
Griendtsveen, a picturesque village in the Peel on the border between Limburg and Brabant, is in danger of losing its primary school De Driehoek. The school, which has been the beating heart of the village for years, is about to close its doors. Documentary maker Ellis Smulders follows the teachers and parents who are determined to keep their school, if necessary by forming the school board themselves. Will they succeed in preserving the core of the close-knit village community, and thus the soul of the village?
Das Dorf der Freundschaft (2001)
The Last Austrians (2020)
Full Metal Village (2007)
De Platoschool (2023)
Mother Land (2022)
The Rembrandt Century: How Art Became Big Business (2022)
Detection (2012)
Levende Rivier (2015)
It's All Good (2018)
Acts of Violence (1985)
Zembla - The Dubious Friends of Donald Trump Part 1: The Russians (2017)
The Perfumed Garden (2000)
Village of Swimming Cows (2018)
The Silence of Men (2019)
Het Doet Zo Zeer (2017)
Heavy Agger (1986)
Africa Light / Gray Zone (2010)
Archipelago (2022)
Germany in Autumn (1978)
les mémoires d'un bébé (2009)