The Erectionman
The Erectionman
Narrator and director Michael Schaap's confessional style and general goofiness bring levity to an awkward topic: "erectile dysfunction" and the little blue pill that treats it.
Bis auf die Knochen - Leben mit FOP (2024)
Lyme Disease: Time for Truth (1995)
Run Run It's Him (2009)
Where Do You Stand Now, João Pedro Rodrigues? (2016)
Charles Bronson: The Spirit of Masculinity (2020)
Multitasking – How Much Can We Do Simultaneously? (2021)
Engineering Red (1993)
HILLEMAN – A Perilous Quest to Save the World’s Children (2016)
Hidden Master: The Legacy of George Platt Lynes (2024)
Do the Dead Speak to Us? (2019)
Becoming Family (2006)
Lapses, Regrets and Qualms (2016)
The Hugo's Brain (2012)
Convulsive States (Invalid date)
Race d'Ep! (1979)
Methadonia (2005)
Médicaments : Les Profits de la pénurie (2022)
Cradle to Grave (2017)
Prescription Thugs (2016)
Titicut Follies (1967)