Next of Kin

Next of Kin

Produced by:


Directed by: John Irvin


Truman Gates, a Chicago cop, sets out to find his brother's killer. Meanwhile, another of his brothers, Briar (a hillbilly) decides to find the killer himself.

Next of Kin
Next of Kin

Reviews (3)

  • tmdb27510395 (Rated: 4)

    Well, without reviewing the entire movie I will suggest this. Liam Neeson, God love him, should never again do a movie with a hillbilly accent.

  • John Chard (Rated: 6)

    Appalachian Clan vS. The Chicago Mob

    Patrick Swayze stars in an action revenge thriller in the same year that he also made Road House, the following year he made Ghost, these were two years after he had made a sensual splash with Dirty Dancing. Thus it's safe to say that Patrick did not pigeon ho...

  • tmdb28039023 (Rated: 5)

    Like its hero, Next of Kin is an anomaly — a thriller about a family feud between hillbillies and wiseguys that brings together Patrick Swayze, Liam Neeson, Adam Baldwin, Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton and Ben Stiller. Truman Gates (Swayze) is as elusive a cryptid as the Frozen Caveman Lawyer; born and ra...

Casts & Credits
