Red Maria 2
Red Maria 2
Korean sex worker Yonhee goes to Japan to build solidarity with her counterparts there. YAMASITA Youngae heads for Kyoto to give a lecture on how former prostitute-turned-comfort women were left out of the movement to achieve justice for comfort women. Korean professor PARK Yu-ha is sued by former comfort women because of her book Comfort Women of the Empire. Reportage writer KAWADA Fumiko Tells the story of BAE Bonki, a Korean who worked as a comfort woman in Okinawa. Shuttling between the issue of sex workers who refuse to be pictured as victims and the issue of comfort women who couldn’t even be acknowledged as victims, the film reveals stories that had disappeared from official memory.
The Wandering Chef (2020)
My Own Breathing (2000)
The Murmuring (1995)
My name is KIM Bok-dong (2019)
The Silence (2017)
Shusenjo: The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women Issue (2019)
A Long Way Around (2019)
Geographies of Kinship (2019)
The Ukishima Maru Massacre (2019)
Don't Cry for Me Sudan: Shukran Baba (2020)
Diaspora: Arirang Road (2019)
Okinawan Harumoni - Testimony: Military Comfort Women (1979)
Twinsters (2015)
Twenty Two (2017)
KOKO SunYi (2022)
A Secret Buried for 50 Years: The Story of Taiwanese "Comfort Women" (1998)
President - Documentary (2019)
Don't Cry for Me Sudan (2010)
Habitual Sadness (1997)
Things That Do Us Part (2019)