Combat in the Air - Air War Over Korea
Defectors (2023)
L'Aéropostale, mythe et réalité (2018)
Dam Busters Declassified (2010)
My Father's Emails (2014)
The Longest Month (2022)
기억의 유산 (2017)
Homes Apart: Korea (1991)
Rudy Hernandez: Congressional Medal of Honor (2020)
Rafale : Les Secrets de l'avion star de l'armée (2024)
John Stevens: Storming the Beach (2017)
Frank Maselskis: From WWII POW to Chosin Reservoir Survivor (2020)
Silver Spitfire - The Longest Flight (2022)
Rafale Confidential (2013)
The Battle Of Chosin (2016)
USS Midway (2010)
Concorde's Last Flight (2010)
A Motion Picture History Of The Korean War (1953)
The Ghosts of Jeju (2013)
Searching for Skylab, America's Forgotten Triumph (2019)
The A350: Star of the Skies (2015)