Patsy Mink: Ahead of the Majority
Patsy Mink: Ahead of the Majority
In 1965, Patsy Takemoto Mink became the first woman of color in the United States Congress. Seven years later, she ran for the US presidency and was the driving force behind Title IX, the landmark legislation that transformed women’s opportunities in higher education and athletics.
Carlos de Oliveira: Upon the Left Side (2007)
Deliver Me (2016)
Riding Giants (2004)
Stream of Love (2013)
Dixie Chicks: Shut Up and Sing (2006)
The Battle of The Alamo (1996)
China's Terracotta Army (2007)
How to Cook Your Life (2007)
Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1 (2013)
Counting from Infinity: Yitang Zhang and the Twin Prime Conjecture (2015)
Inés María Mendoza: la palabra como destino (2013)
Outlaw (1994)
The Promised Band (2016)
Divine Divas (2016)
Trespassing Bergman (2013)
Mother Europe (2012)
Treyf (1998)
100 Vaginas (2019)
The Happy Accident (2020)
The Yes Men (2003)