Pixel Forest
Pixel Forest
Directed by: Pipilotti Rist
Each pixel is separated like an exploded screen, set in a chaotic way into the space. The video has a whole movement in the room, as one three dimensional image. The experience resembles the brain, working with electromagnetic waves and low voltage information.
Suffragette (2015)
Narcissus (2020)
Pornography: Andrea Dworkin (1991)
Dark Matter (2020)
Rong (2019)
The Naked Truth (2023)
Françoise d'Eaubonne: une épopée écoféministe (2023)
Birth of a Nation (2018)
The Unbreakable Kryptos Code (2024)
Down with Love (2003)
Mona Lisa Smile (2003)
The White Goddess (2022)
Tootsie (1982)
Cover Up (2021)
Catatonik (2022)
Sandra of the Tuliphouse or How to Live in a Free State (2001)
Kristina Talking Pictures (1976)
Where Justice Hides (2022)
100 Girls (2000)
Cherubs (Invalid date)