Boston professor and amateur detective, Michael Spraggue, together with his eccentric aunt investigates a suspicious physician in connection with the death of his acquaintance which endangers their lives.
Hasiči (2011)
The Catcher (1972)
Letters from Three Lovers (1973)
Dirty Work (1985)
UFO Kidnapped (1984)
Search for the Gods (1975)
I'm At Home (2022)
Bar Girls (1990)
San Francisco International (1970)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1974)
The Unknown (1964)
Shadow on the Land (1968)
Nick Knight (1989)
Travis McGee (1983)
The Girl on the Late, Late Show (1974)
Hellinger's Law (1981)
The Letters (1973)
Beach Patrol (1979)
Little Darlings (1982)
Amanda Fallon (1973)