Documentary about the emergence of the strike movement in the iron ore mines of Rudňa in Slovakia. The miner Michal Ogurčák introduced a new way of mining iron ore here, overcame initial misunderstandings, and eventually inspired 160 followers to perform striking feats by his example.
Arica (2020)
Once We Were Pitmen (2024)
Strike! The Village That Fought Back (2024)
Crónicas desde La Arboleda (2010)
River of Gold (2016)
Westray (2001)
Mirages d'un Eldorado (2008)
500 Years (2017)
The Devil's Miner (2005)
Der lange Abschied von der Kohle (2017)
Bauxita (2023)
Harlan County U.S.A. (1977)
Ms Rhymney Valley (1985)
Ferrum (1963)
Poison in the Rockies (1990)
The Last Glacier (1984)
A cielo abierto, derechos minados (2009)
The Concert for Bangladesh (1972)
Gold Blooded (2018)
Thacker Pass: Mining The Sacred (2023)