Reinventing Mirazur
Reinventing Mirazur
Mirazur, Argentine-born chef Mauro Colagreco's 3 Michelin starred restaurant on France's Mediterranean coast, was awarded Best Restaurant in the World on the eve of the pandemic. Not content to rest on their laurels, Colagreco and his diverse team soldiered on through the global tragedy of the lockdown, boldly reimagining the restaurant's concept and menu to reflect their dedication to biodynamic principles. Mirazur re-emerged with a new and enthusiastic approach: the Moon Menu.
Investigation Into the Invisible World (2002)
LIFE BEYOND II: The Museum of Alien Life (2020)
The Last Tribe (2022)
Nausicaa: The Largest Aquarium in Europe (2019)
HyperNormalisation (2016)
Journey to the West (2015)
God's Girls (1992)
Arzak: Since 1897 (2020)
An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Taiwan – Fear of Invasion (2022)
Inside the Mind of a Dog (2024)
Wilf (1968)
American Journal (2023)
4 mois sur ma biosphère (2021)
Manufacturing Ignorance (2020)
The Limits of My World (2019)
The Warhol Effect (2024)
Space Station 3D (2002)
Against All Enemies (2023)