Evolution from ape to man
Evolution from ape to man
For Millions of years, our planet has been floating in space. Millions of creatures have lived on its surface. Many a quaint being was among them, but they affected only our, human imagination, for in the evolutionary struggle we are the only ones who have obtained the advantage of reason.
Ice Age (2002)
Homo sapiens, the New Origins (2020)
Microcosmos (1996)
LIFE BEYOND II: The Museum of Alien Life (2020)
Živé a neživé (1955)
Mésozoïque Alternatif (2021)
What is a cell? (1955)
Les Derniers Secrets de l'humanité (2023)
Préhistoire en Asie : L'Aventure humaine (2024)
Unrest (2017)
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (2008)
The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey (2003)
Blue Planet (1990)
In The Womb (2005)
Created Cosmos (2011)
Eugenika. W Imię Postępu (2010)
Mitosis (2020)
Darwin's Darkest Hour (2009)
Destiny in Space (1994)
The Hellstrom Chronicle (1971)