Revolutions on Granite
Revolutions on Granite
Revolutions on Granite is a documentary about Maidan Nezahlezhonsti, a public square in the heart of Kyiv, Ukraine — famously home to a number of political revolutions, but also the birthplace of a cultural revolution after the fall of the Iron Curtain. The film takes a look at the burgeoning skateboard scene at Maidan in the early 1990’s, and investigates the idea of a counterculture being created in a place of strict uniformity.
Jeunesse Rouge: The Story of Young Communist Revolutionaries in France (2023)
New Zealanders Win at Rugby (1916)
V. Silvestrov (2022)
Lenin: The Train (1990)
The Long Breakup (2020)
My Dinner with Abbie (1990)
The Last Emperor (1987)
Lenin in Paris (1981)
Karama Has No Walls (2012)
Dovecotes of Kyiv (2023)
Iran: The Hundred Year War (2009)
Screen Test: Jackie (1967)
Sepidar (2022)
The Story of Zhou Enlai (2013)
Euromaidan. Rough Cut (2014)
Charles Gagnon (1970)
The Irish Revolution (2019)
Like It Is (1968)
Manifesting the Mind: Footprints of the Shaman (2009)
The Pride and the Passion (1957)