Just Like You: Anxiety + Depression
Just Like You: Anxiety + Depression
10 brave kids, 2 Emmy award winning journalists, 1 clinical psychologist at Columbia University and 1 determined mother take on the fear and stigma plaguing the mental health community, leaving us enlightened, empowered and equipped to either live life or lift up life with these challenging and even life threatening conditions.
Human Not Human (2023)
Γάζωρος Σερρών (1974)
(Re)Claiming Indian Status (2020)
A Guide to Love and Fighting Capitalism (2022)
HyperNormalisation (2016)
Cannabis : Une enquête de Mathieu Kassovitz et Antoine Robin (2024)
Eu também não te vejo daqui (2020)
Jackass: Gumball Rally 3000 Special (2002)
This Is Sparklehorse (2016)
Cell 364 (2020)
Le Siècle des couturières (2022)
Laundriness (2011)
Am Kölnberg (2014)
Themepark 1984 (2009)
Wanda Gosciminska – A Textile Worker (1975)
Lord of the Toys (2019)
Les Derniers Secrets de l'humanité (2023)
Land Without Bread (1933)
The Sorrow and the Pity: The Film That Shocked France (2024)
Autopsie d'une intelligence artificielle (2022)