World Class Trains
World Class Trains
Eagle Media takes you around the world to explore the hidden nooks of the world with the World Class Trains series. Learn the history and the intricacies of these historic transports. Explore Europe, India, Africa, Mexico, and Western Canada from the inside of some of the most elegant and famous train tours in the world.
World Class Trains Collection
Season 1 (13 Episodes)
Season 2 (1 Episode)
Gulag, the Story (2020)
Railways of the Great War with Michael Portillo (2014)
David Jason: Planes, Trains and Automobiles (2019)
Griff's Great Australian Rail Trip (2020)
On the Rails of the Double Headed Eagle (2014)
Die gefährlichsten Bahnstrecken der Welt (2021)
Train Cruise (2013)
Trains with Pete Waterman (2004)
Classic Trains (1997)
Great Railway Journeys (1980)
Megatrains (2017)
Great American Railroad Journeys (2016)
Combat Trains (2015)
Full Steam Ahead (2016)
鉄道ひとり旅~女子鉄編~ (2020)
Paddington Station 24/7 (2017)
Railroad Australia (2016)
Extreme Trains (2008)
Great Asian Railway Journeys (2020)
Mighty Trains (2016)