World Class Trains
World Class Trains
Eagle Media takes you around the world to explore the hidden nooks of the world with the World Class Trains series. Learn the history and the intricacies of these historic transports. Explore Europe, India, Africa, Mexico, and Western Canada from the inside of some of the most elegant and famous train tours in the world.
World Class Trains Collection
Season 1 (13 Episodes)
Season 2 (1 Episode)
Sur les rails de France (Invalid date)
The 800 Million Pound Railway Station (2007)
Mighty Trains (2016)
Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railways (2014)
Coastal Railways with Julie Walters (2017)
The Flying Scotsman (2018)
Railways: The Making of a Nation (2016)
Welsh Railways (2011)
World's Busiest Railway (2015)
Paul Merton's Secret Stations (2016)
Mark Williams On The Rails (2004)
Tough Trains (2014)
Trainspotting Live (2016)
Amazing Train Journeys (2011)
Railroad Alaska (2013)
Trains That Changed the World (2018)
How Trains Changed the World (2018)
The World's Most Beautiful Railway (2019)
Around the World by Train With Tony Robinson (2019)
La passion des trains (Invalid date)