Internet Slutts

Internet Slutts

Internet Slutts

Chapter: 1 Season (18 Episodes)



Internet Slutts is a bizarre, off-beat comedy series about a couple of twisted puppets whose lives revolve around the Internet. Set in a skanky basement apartment, Internet Slutts stars MURK, a drug-addled bicycle courier, and his best friend WALLY, a pompous, opinionated fellah who bears a striking resemblance to a two foot tall penis. Savvy net browsers, Wally and Murk head to the web whenever they need to answer a pressing question such as "Is peeing on people really a highly erotic sex act or just bad manners?" They surf when they're researching a new hobby, looking for ways to scam some quick cash, or just plain bored and in the mood to waste valuable time building a virtual cow. They also leave the apartment occasionally - to get a brand new scrotal Celtic tattoo, rent their favourite adult videos, or take a survey of movie theatre urinal techniques.

Internet Slutts Collection

  • Season 1 (18 Episodes)

Review (1)

  • THRobinson (Rated: 7)

    Bizarre series from back when the internet was still new to most people. Hard to describe but if you have a sense of humour leaning towards the twisted and perverted end of the spectrum, give this one a try (if you can find it).

Casts & Credits
