The Sufi and the Scientist
The Sufi and the Scientist
The Sufi and the Scientist is the collective story of Sufi healer Sayyid Arif Hussain, the medieval Sufi Sheikh Haji Ali, and Dr. Thornton Streeter, a scientist working in the realm of human consciousness.
What the #$*! Do We (K)now!? (2004)
Traceable (2014)
The Price of Cheap (2021)
James Bond in India (1983)
The Warp and the Weft (2015)
Maharajah of the Road (2012)
A Punjab Village (1925)
The Way of the Psychonaut (2020)
Third Eye Spies (2019)
Another World (2014)
An Indian Day (1968)
Ancient India (1952)
Rachel Carson, la mère de l'écologie (2022)
Information for/from Outsiders: Chronicles from Kashmir (2019)
Lighthouse (2024)
Rromani Soul (2008)
State Entry into Delhi of Lord Curzon, the Viceroy (1903)
Machines (2017)
Aravani Girl (2009)
Freedom For The Wolf (2017)