Aliens Uncovered: ET or Man-Made (2022)
Aliens Uncovered: The Golden Record
Aliens Uncovered: The Golden Record
In the late 1970s, the US government sent a message to our distant neighbors. Twenty years later, the response we received sparked the biggest UFO sighting in history.
Curse of the Man Who Sees UFOs (2016)
In Search of Ancient Mysteries (1974)
Ufos - Mythos Neuschwabenland - Das letzte Geheimnis des 3.Reiches (2007)
Six Days in Roswell (1998)
UFO Endgame to Disclosure (2023)
The Master Game (1998)
Illuminati: The Grand Illusion (2017)
Origins Unknown: The Alien Presence on Earth (2021)
Drugs as Weapons Against Us: The CIA War on Musicians and Activists (2018)
The Visitors (2022)
Ancient Aliens and the New World Order (2014)
Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton (2015)
Ancient Alien Origins (2017)
David Icke: Beyond the Cutting Edge (2010)
Australien Skies (2015)
The Man in the Barn (1937)
The Wild Blue Yonder (2005)
The Human Zoo (2020)
Australien Skies 3: Search for the Min Min (2019)
UFO Cover-Up?: Live! (1988)