Norse America
Norse America
Documentary correlating contemporary archaeological discoveries in the Far North with the descriptions of Viking explorations and settlements detailed in the Icelandic sagas, suggesting a pattern of exploration and trading that extended over the circumpolar region for thousands of years before Columbus' celebrated voyage.
Lost Cities of the Amazon (2008)
A Performance in the Church (2024)
The Yukon Blues (2014)
The Colosseum: A Jewel in Rome's Crown (2021)
When the Road Ends (2020)
Drain the Titanic (2015)
Silicon Valley Goes to Space (2013)
Galápagos (1955)
Terra Antarctica, Re-Discovering the Seventh Continent (2009)
Antarctica: A Frozen History (2002)
Unknown: The Lost Pyramid (2023)
The Spirit of Norway (1988)
Becoming Cousteau (2021)
Icemen: 200 Years in Antarctica (2020)
The Viking Sagas (2011)
Néandertal, dans les pas d'une autre humanité (2022)
NOVA: Secrets of the Viking Sword (2012)
Victims of the Vikings (2020)
Hidden Idols (2015)
Extreme der Tiefsee - Abysses (2018)