Evening in Byzantium
Evening in Byzantium
Produced by:
Directed by: Jerry London
While the prestigious Cannes Film Festival goes on around him, American movie producer Jesse Craig struggles to develop a pitch-worthy thriller about a terrorist plot. Before long, Craig becomes concerned that a shocking act of real-life terrorism already may be underway. Meanwhile, radical actor Bret Easton works in cahoots with a group of extremists to coordinate the hijacking of a trio of passenger planes in a devastating, multi-city nuclear attack.
Collin (1981)
Der Tanz mit dem Teufel - Die Entführung des Richard Oetker (2001)
Law and Order (1976)
The Night the Bridge Fell Down (1980)
Ivanhoe (1982)
Crime and Punishment (2002)
M/S Gustloff (2008)
Anne of Green Gables (1985)
Seduced by Madness: The Diane Borchardt Story (1996)
CoinCoin and the Extra-Humans (2018)
Warten ist der Tod (1999)
Special Forces Squad (1987)
A Season of Giants (1990)
Bible Code (2008)
Castles and Cottages (1957)
Cinderella (2011)
Neger, Neger, Schornsteinfeger (2006)
Vera – The Hard Way to Enlightenment (1989)
Die Holzbaronin (2013)
Kahlschlag (1993)